Monday, May 7, 2012


Today was really hard, not going to lie. I got done with grocery shopping, daily cleaning schedule (I was tempted to just do what was necessary but did the entire schedule), and the kids were down for their nap. I wanted so bad to just sit and watch TV and be lazy the rest of the day.  But the I got a sweet voice mail from my hubby saying how proud of me he was for really sticking with it and holding true to what I had said I was going to do. So that encouraged me (or more like guilted me) to finish part of my craft I have been working on the past few weeks. I am so glad that I didn't give in! Sad that it is so hard for me though. I mean it is just during the day I can't watch TV or be on the internet. As soon as the Titus goes down for bed I can have fun. But I think it is such an idol right now. I could be spending extra time with the Lord or doing much more beneficial things. Sorry if this seems like I am rambling. It is about 12 and I am exhausted but wanted to write a quick post.

On a side note, here is the craft I have been working on the past few weeks:

Yes. I hand painted them. Totally regretted the decision to use acrylic pint vs spray paint bout twenty beads in. They all needed at least four coats. There are a hundred of them. Do the math...

It is for an abacus for Asher's room. Now all I will need is my handy man to help me with the frame! 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Running a Household

I am the type of person that needs to write everything down or it won't happen. Like, you know how some people can just go to the store without a list and just know what they need? Totally not me. I HAVE to make a list. I am the same way when it comes to planning my day. If i don't write down what I am supposed to do, it won't get done. 

During the 50's housewife experiment, I have tweaked me daily schedule. Since no TV or internet during the day I am having to come up with a lot more stuff to do/planning a lot more outings and visiting people (which any friends want to have a play date let me know!!) Here is the daily schedule:

Daily Schedule
Wake up before kids & hubby and read the word
Freshen up
Set table and make for breakfast
Eat breakfast together
clean up from breakfast
Put towel in dryer to get warm for Wes when he gets out
Get kids and I dressed
Start Cleaning (or go on the outing for the day):
  1. Make Bed
  2. Collect all laundry from throughout the house and start a load.
  3. Clean the kitchen
    1. Clean all dishes
    2. Clean clutter and put away everything
    3. Wipe down appliances, counters, cabinets, fridge, microwave, table and chairs
    4. take out trash (if applicable)
  4. Clean living room
    1. Pick up clutter
    2. fluff couch cushions
  5. Clean kids rooms
    1. Pick up clutter
  6. Clean Master Bath and bed
    1. Clean up clutter
    2. organize desk and bookshelves
    3. organize dresser and jewelry-box

Asher’s 1st nap at 10. Start prep for lunch if needed
Set table and fix lunch @ 11
Lunch @ 11:30
Titus Nap at 1 (Asher soon after)
Start on craft projects
Start dinner @ 4 or 4:30
Freshen up before hubby gets home
Do a quick clean run through the house before he gets home
Dinner @ 5:30
Clean kitchen from dinner
Family Worship @ 6:30
Movie/tv/play @ 7
Bedtime @ 8:30
Asher has to go to bed by 10:30
Things to do every Mon, Wed, and Fri
  1. Sweep Floors
  2. Clean hall bath
  3. Dust

Then I have my weekly chores:

Weekly Cleaning
  • Clean out fridge and change out towels every Monday
  • Clean out car,  flush kitchen drain with boiling water, and pay bills every Tuesday
  • Organize dressers , clean all bedding, and dust vents every Wednesday
  • Mop, clean out closets and clean the front and back yard every Thursday.
  • Dust all light fixtures, clean mirrors, and rotate couch cushions every Friday

But even though this list seems like a lot I get done by 10 o'clock. SO I am now filling my day with crafts, visiting people, and reading. I have loved the past few days and feeling very productive. Every time I feel like I would rather watch TV, I remember that it would feel much better to keep with the commitment I made. Not to mention Wes is loving it so far. HA!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

50's Housewife Experiment

So haven't blogged in forever. I would say it is because the Melton house has been busy, but that would be a lie. Simply laziness is reason. But hopefully I can get back into the swing of things(not promising anything!)

So the other day I had discovered The Donna Reed Show (there is my laziness...) And fell in love with it!!! I Immediately wanted to be just like her. Yes I am I dork, but the thought of having dinner on the table when my husband walks in, the house being clean at all times, and the all around home-keeping was amazing!

Then while looking up what a schedule of a 50's housewife looked like on the internet (yes this is what I do in my free time), I came across this blog post. It showed an article from the 1950's entitled “The Good Wife’s Guide”. I fell in love with everything it said. If I could do most of the things on the list I would be a very happy woman. Then I cam across another blog post where a woman for two weeks decided to be come your typical 50's house wife. Just for fun! I thought to myself, I could so do that!!

So For the next two weeks I am going to be the typical 50's housewife, or at least strive to be. Here are my 5 key goals.
  1. Create a comfortable, clean and beautiful home(Proverbs 31:27: "She looks well to the ways of her household")
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
  2. Provide nutritious and tasty meals (Proverbs 31:15: "She rises while it is yet night
    and provides food for her household")
  3. Handle the household income as economically as possible (Proverbs 31:16: "She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard")
  4. Show pride in being a Mrs. by putting a concerted effort into my appearance (Proverbs 31:22: " her clothing is fine linen and purple.")
  5. Make home life as relaxing and supportive as possible so that the breadwinner can succeed in providing for the family to the best of his abilities. (Proverbs 31:11-12: "The heart of her husband trusts in her,and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.")
Really, this is what I am supposed to be doing anyway. I mean I am a stay t home wife and mother. So This is what I am supposed to be doing anyway. But I thought it would be fun reminder :).

So what is going to make this different then every day life? Well people didn't have internet or computers in their home. So that means during the day no internet, computer, or stuff like this during the day. But I can't totally ostracize myself from the world, so at night I will be doing the blog posts, pics of the boys, and all other fun stuff :). So if you text or email me, I will either respond with a phone call or it will have to wait till night time. Tv will also be restricted(something I have been needing to do anyway). The clothes won’t be retro – but close. I plan to wear mostly dresses and skirts, but I don’t plan to get costumey (only because I don't own much of that). This really isn't much of a change for me though. I have always love dressing like that! Now, I am still going to use my debit card and cell phone. Still gong to use my dishwasher and modern washing machine and dryer. Not really wanting to give those up!! But going to give up our microwave for the next two weeks!!

My goal for the end of this is really to have better habits. I really want to strive to be the Proverbs 31 woman. Working at home, providing healthy meals, and not eating the bread of idleness.

Hopefully I will keep everyone updated how this goes! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

School Days

     Since Titus in now two and is getting kinda rowdy and frustrated throughout the day, I decided to start add more structure to my day (a suggestion from my sweet friend :)) I have my family notebook that I write down everything in  (something I highly recommend!) like grocery lists, food menus, things needed around the house, to do lists, etc. Well I am now adding a school/Titus activities to the binder :).

    Each week we will be focusing on a letter, number, color, and theme. This week week our focus is the letter A, the number 1, the color red, and apples are our theme for the week :) We have only done two days of it but so far Titus has loved what we have done!! I got us some flashcards, some books, and stickers for us to use.
      We sit down for lunch and while he is eating I just talk and review our focus for the week. He just smiles and loves it!! His favorite thing so far is counting and pointing out the apples in the room (I have several apples and pics of them everywhere).  I also take the opportunity throughout the day to point out our focus for the week wherever we go. Like when we see a red car, numbers on the TV remote, and stuff like that. Just really trying to take advantage of those teaching moments.

    Something else I want to do it try to go outside everyday regardless of the weather (unless it is storming;)) This winter I have not gone outside because it has been too cold and didn't want to go out. I am so looking forward to spring so I can just let him run free outside!! Today was too pretty of a day not to go outside even if it was a little cold :).

I also want him working with his hands more (increasing those fine motor skills :)). So we have been doing coloring time (something I thought he wouldn't do right now cause he is on the go so much) and simply playing with cups, bowls, and dried pasta.

                         Asher's schooling is a little laid back ;)

tummy time :)
Nap time :)

What are some of y'alls favorite activities?

Sunday, February 19, 2012


So I an not a writer by any means. Nor have I ever blogged before, but I wanted to join the blogging trend. :) I am excited to start sharing what is going on in our lives!

I am a stay at home wife and mom. I married my amazing husband, Wes, 3 years ago. We have two kids, Titus who just turned 2 and Asher who is a month old :). They bring so much joy to my life!! We recently became vegans ( a diet change which has been surprisingly easy!!) I want this blog to simply be sharing what is going on in our lives!

                                         Our oldest, Titus Elisha

                                        Our second, Asher Luke

                                           Me and my hubby :)

So Here we go!!